Updated: Aug 19, 2024
We have discovered what it means to maintain our health and establish good habits to obtain a life of balance. Our brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, upper and lower intestine, as well as the pancreas are reminders to take care of self and is in preventing heart disease.
Managing high blood pressure, Cholesterol, Blood sugars with diet and exercise.
Now it is time to look at Self care and mental health month. Sometimes it is a discovery of Self-Care. Let each day be a time to focus on the important ingredients to health and make it an amazing day with the following activities:
Read a book to obtain knowledge and awareness on the latest health data.
Take a 30 minute walk 5 days a week or longer
Take a city tour and discover the elements of health
Find your passion
Go shopping
6. Have a Tea kind of day with friends
7. Enjoy a day at the beach, allow the waves to speak to you
8. Go on a health retreat
Must we add more?
Here's Health to You Naturally!
Dr. Brenda J Pratt, PhD, H.D.