Steps to De-Stress.
Stress is an overwhelming sensation that can be described as a normal human reaction that happens to everyone. The body can respond to stress physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. Learning to identify the bodies stress level can help to manage stress. The body has an internal clock that protects us from danger. There is an important biological function of our endocrine system, which is the function of the adrenal glands. It produces and and secretes hormones. Each adrenal gland can be recognized as two separate glands. the adrenal medulla primarily secretes epinephrine, and also known as adrenaline, it prepares the body for the known action, "flight or fight" response. The adrenal cortex produces a class of hormones called steroids, that are released in response to states such as anxiety or decreased food supply. These hormones all help the body to deal with stressful situations, which is the purpose of an important adrenal gland function." Learning to manage stress is a lifetime lesson. First, we must identify the stressors in our lives, then we can have the mindset to de-stress. Below are examples of the three categories of stress, that are physical, mental, emotional, and psychological.
Physical stress can be symptoms described in the following:
Muscle tension in neck, face or shoulders.
Racing heart
Shortness of breath.
Body aches and pains.
Weight gain or loss.
Mental and emotional stress can be symptoms described in the following:
Public speaking
Mental arithmetic
Type A behavior.
Inability to sleep.
compulsive obsessive disorder.
Feeling out of control.
Inability to relax
Psychological stress can be symptoms described in the following:
Health problems
Relationship conflicts
Traumatic incidents
Financial strain
Elevated blood sugar
Elevated blood pressure
Rapid heart rate
Stress can bring about an acute or chronic health condition, and learning to live with stress is not the answer. Stress can lead to many diseases if and when it isn't managed appropriately.
There are steps that can assist with reducing stressful situations to lead a healthy and balance life. It is possible for individuals to get to the root cause of their problems, and remove the physical, mental, emotional and psychological symptoms of stress to de-stress with the following tips:
Eat healthy, and well- balanced meals.
Learn to set limits, (say no to requests that would create stress).
Exercise regular, focus on staying fit to fight stressful situations.
Avoid using alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress.
Manage time appropriately, ( it's not a to do list or a game).
Spend time with positive friends, (avoid toxic relationships).
Pray, meditate or learn to relax in a calm environment.
Seek professional advice to get help, for psychological health, wellbeing, stress management or biofeedback techniques.
Here's Health To You Naturally!
Dr. Brenda J. Pratt, H.D., PhD