The ABC's of Natural Supplements.
Updated: Dec 20, 2020
This may sound crazy, but did you know that the vitamins and minerals we need are found in the foods we eat? Vitamins should come from the foods we eat first. This is the best way to receive your nutrients. However, if you are not able to fulfill your diet with natural supplements from wholesome foods, then supplementing with vitamins you might choose.
We all need natural and wholesome foods to help maintain our cellular health to strengthen our body. Our bones and muscles are needed for mobility. We need our food source to provide nutrients to feed our body. Vitamins found in our food can help promote growth and reproduction, build energy and appetite, aid in digestion, help raise resistance to disease, to improve skin and eye conditions, build mental health, aid the nervous system, promote healthy skin and hair, block nerve cell degeneration, help promote excretion of uric acid, help build healthy blood cells, help maintain natural color of hair, maintain healthy arteries, prevent liver and artery degeneration, help prevent fatigue and skin difficulties, form and maintain intercellular substance for teeth and gums, help to promote normal bone and tooth development, as well as, maintain walls of small blood vessels, and combat chronic health conditions.
Vitamins fall in the group of micronutrients along with minerals. Adding wholesome foods to your meal plan can help to maintain optimum health.
Below is a short list of common Vitamins that are found in our food source to keep in mind.
Vitamins Food Sources_________________________
Vitamin A Red hot peppers, Dandelion, Dock,
Carrot, Collard greens, Grapes and Broccoli
Thiamine Rice bran, Wheat germ, Sunflower seed,
Vitamin B-1 Brazilnut, Wild rice, Almond, and Garlic
Riboflavin Red hot peppers, Almond, Wheat germ,
Vitamin B-2 Wild rice, Sweet potato, and Orange juice
Nicotinamide Rice bran, Wild rice, Kelp, Tamarind, Avocado
Vitamin B-3 Chicory greens, Elderberry, and Walnuts
Nicotinic Acid (Niacin)
Adenine Sesame seed, Msutard greens, Asparagus,
Vitamin B-4 Soybeans, Macadamia nut, Sweet corn, Lentil
Coconut water, Lemon juice, and Okra
Pantothenic Acid Legumes, Rice polish, Soy ben , Wheat germ,
Vitamin B-5 Cabbage, Plantain, Tomato,Celery, Turnip
greens, Blueberry, and Sweet potato
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Whole grains, Beet, Oranges, Lemons,
Vitamin B-6 Wheat germs, Cashew nut, Brussel sprouts
Red bean, Pinto bean, White bean and Peas
Vitamin B-12 B-complex foods (vitamin-B1-12)
Inositol Grapefruit, Orange, Wheat germ,
Meat sugar Dry lime bean, Dry peas, Cantaloupe
and Nuts
Vitamin C Kale, Parsley, Sweet pepper, Persimmon
Spinach, Cherry, Beet, Summer squash
Mango, Oranges, Lemons, and Papaya
Vitamin D-2 Sunlight
Vitamin D-3
Vitamin E Brown rice, Barley, Rye, Wheat germ
Green leaves, Nuts and Legumes
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