What is Your True Dietary Nature?
Updated: Oct 7, 2020
As humans we do not consider our dietary nature to be the foods we choose to eat. The foods we choose in their whole, natural state can be identified in the Standard American Diet pyramid. We have been taught to include on our plates the five major food groups, which are Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Dairy, and Protein foods.
When we look closely at the overall percentage of these individual foods in each group, it can be recognized in a percentage range as a greater proportion, from the largest to the smallest group for example, a Standard American Diet pyramid food group shows 62% of processed foods include Oils, Sweets, and Refined Grains, 25.5% Meats, Eggs, Dairy, and Fish, 10% unrefined Plant Food; Fruits, Vegetable, Beans, Nuts and Seeds, and 2.5% of whole Grains.
This overview is an assessment of the percentage of each food group in The Standard American Diet (SAD), to include Fruits, vegetables, Grains, Dairy, and Protein foods.
Eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) doesn't work for everybody. However, getting the appropriate nutritional benefit is what counts. A true dietary nature is a starting point to eating healthy. There are different dietary needs that are based on one's chronic and acute health conditions. A qualified Registered Dietician can provide a meal plan based on the Standard American Diet (SAD). A Board Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Practitioner, Educator and Counselor will provide health and nutritional education.
Our true dietary nature can be identified by our preferred food choices for example,
individuals who enjoy eating meats are called Carnivores. This term is taken out of context. Human beings simply are not equipped to be carnivores. We have two hands and two feet, and walk erect. All of the carnivores have four feet and perform their locomotion using all fours. The true dietary nature is described in part to our constitution as humans.
Let's look at dietary nature, for instance what are the different kinds of "Vores"
Are we Herbivores?
Herbivores, or vegetarians, are natural consumers of greenery such as grass, weeds leaves, stalks, and stems. A broader definition of "vegetarian" includes anyone who eats only plant-derived foods, I know you probably do not agree with eating grass, leaves and weeds, right? Well I don't blame you. Eating green leafy plants such as lettuce, celery, spinach, and
as well as the tougher cruciferous vegetables such as, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, collards, kale and this group of vegetables is more like it. Getting a right combination of proteins, and some essential fatty acids, minerals matter, vitamins, and some simple sugars is what we can obtain from vegetables. However we are not Herbivores.
Are we Starch Eaters?
Starches are divided into three general categories: grain (grass seeds) roots and tubers, and legumes. Grain eaters are called granivore. This diet is mainly for birds. We are not able to digest grass seed such as wheat berries, which would make us gag. Because grains are indigestible raw, but even cooked, the complex carbohydrates in them require great digestive energy to break down. If we are looking at the human digestive system, to fully digest starchy grains, roots and tubers, and legumes such as wheat, potatoes, and lentils in their raw state to satiation and proclaim the experience, we may agree that we are Starch Eaters.
Are we Nut Eaters?
Both seeds and nuts are eaten for their nutritional benefits. They should be eaten in their raw form, or not at all. A handful of nuts and seeds can be quite satisfying, and can complement our natural diet. We are primary carbohydrate eaters, believe it or not.
Are we Omnivores?
Omnivores eat with the aid of cook stoves, condiments, taste excitants, camouflaging seasoning, spices and so on. We enjoy our food when it is eaten in season and flavor.
In nature it would be difficult to eat our foods in their natural form or raw state, due to their effect on our taste buds.
Are we Frugivores?
Frugivores are identified as a creature who only lives on fruits, with the addition of tender greens. This is a group of non sweet seeded fruits that are generally consumed with vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, okra, zucchini and the squashes, and eggplant. Some people may adopt a totally fruitarian diet, attempting to live exclusively on fruits. However, a complete fruitarian diet is not recommended because we need Dark-green leafy vegetables to provide minerals and other nutrients essential for optimum nutrition and health.
Plan to eat smart with a variety of fruits and vegetables to assimilate and digest with ease. Remember that our true dietary nature in order to assimilate completely it must digest completely. Each time we eat foods that are more difficult to digest, we compromise our nutrition and over time, our health. Watch out for vegetation that contain cellulose and other rough, insoluble fibers, such foods can be difficult to swallow, and put a great load on our organs of digestion and elimination. These vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collards, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are known to be loaded with nutrients, including soluble fiber, they also contain cellulose and other tough, difficult to digest fibers. The best time to eat these vegetables are when they are in their youngest and most tender state to be digested.
Our true dietary nature is eating the right food combinations in their whole, natural state, that which we are designed to eat. Continue to be true to your body one day at a time the Holistic Health and Nutrition way.
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