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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Apr 19, 20212 min read
If Health Is For Everybody, What Is A Starting Point?
Health is a word that has been misunderstood by so many individuals. At least 99% of the time it has been the physical appearance that...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Mar 22, 20212 min read
Understanding Nutritional Therapy.
What is Nutritional Therapy, and how does it help the body to heal naturally? Nutrition Therapy is a holistic approach that focuses on...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Mar 6, 20211 min read
What is Holistic Health and Nutrition
Holistic Health and Nutrition is living the philosophy of Natural Hygiene. The primary concept of Natural Hygiene is that health is...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Feb 3, 20215 min read
The Seven Layers Of Food Fasting
"Fasting is recognized as a willful refrainment from eating. In a physiological context, fasting may refer to the metabolic status of a...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Jan 10, 20212 min read
Food Journaling With A Purpose
What is the purpose of keeping a food journal? Is it lifestyle or a commitment? Food journaling can be a lifestyle or a commitment...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Dec 17, 20202 min read
The ABC's of Natural Supplements.
This may sound crazy, but did you know that the vitamins and minerals we need are found in the foods we eat? Vitamins should come from...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Nov 23, 20202 min read
What's On Your Plate?
Let it be a healthy plate of macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and micronutrients that include vitamins and minerals...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Nov 7, 20203 min read
What are Enervating Habits?
Enervating habits are related to habits that affect our nerve energy. What is nerve energy you might ask? Nerve energy is functional...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Oct 22, 20201 min read
Activities That Are Fit For The Brain.
Everybody deserves to have good health. Physical and mental activities work together to help maintain health and emotional balance. ...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Oct 16, 20201 min read
Improve Your Health And Change Your Life.
Correcting many health disorders through the path of hygienics is first through our diets. What are the benefits of hygienics? The...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Oct 13, 20201 min read
What is Mindfulness?
Did you know that Mindfulness is the practice of observing your experience in a nonjudgmental, compassionate, and accepting manner. It...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Oct 10, 20201 min read
The 2 minute Ride To A Healthy Choice
So let's start with food. The meals we choose can sometimes be an automatic thought. We simply choose to eat foods that come to our...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Oct 10, 20202 min read
Eat Bananas For Fuel And Weight Loss
Bananas can be a perfect food when it comes to athletic performance. They are also good for people with active lifestyles. People...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Oct 6, 20204 min read
What is Your True Dietary Nature?
As humans we do not consider our dietary nature to be the foods we choose to eat. The foods we choose in their whole, natural state can...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Oct 2, 20201 min read
There are four Hygienic rules for eating Salads that you should know about.
Surprisingly many individuals are not aware of the four rules for eating salads. These four rules may be shocking at first, but after you...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Sep 29, 20202 min read
What is Optimum Athletic Recovery?
It is an integral part of vibrant health, high levels of physical fitness, that offers us rewarding opportunities. If you enjoy the...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Sep 24, 20201 min read
What Should Breakfast, Lunch, and Evening meals consist?
Each meal consist of fresh fruits or fresh green vegetables. If an exclusive Raw food diet is not adopted, the diet should at least be...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Sep 19, 20202 min read
Water Is Our Friend
When we think about the word Hydration and Dehydration, it is critical because the English language can be deceiving. The De- hydration...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Sep 17, 20201 min read
Why eating an Acid-Starch Food Combination at meal time is wrong?
There are nine (9) rules that can be identified as helpful in meeting our nutrition and digestive needs, which are divided in the food...
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Brenda Pratt, PhD, CHNHP
Sep 15, 20202 min read
What is Mono Eating?
Is it practical to enjoy a meal based on one particular food for an entire meal? Yes, it is practical. According to "The 80/10/10 Diet",...
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